I first of all beg you to forgive me for anything wrong I've done. You know I try to be a genuinely good kind person, and I beg you to still make me a better person every day. I know I don't go to church often, but I don't like to hear how me being gay is gonna send me to hell, so I'd rather commune with you on this kind of personal level as a non-practicing Protestant. Rid me of my bad temper which can flare up from time to time, and help me to overcome all my fears, anxieties, and depression. Life is frustrating and tragic to me at times, but it can also be joyous and wonderfully rewarding/exciting. I thank you for the privilege and gift of being here to experience it, and ask for a good long healthy life till you deem it my time to take me from this dimension.
I thank you for my job, shelter, food, clothes, good caring family and my friends. Please protect them all from harm and ill health. More than anything, I ask you for health, for with good health, I am already the richest person alive. Wash away all the bitterness and hatred I may have for those who wronged me. I forgive them, and ask to be forgiven too by those I may have wronged. Wow, I feel better already actually writing these words out. Somehow, I know you are reading them and granting my prayers.
Most of all Lord, I am deeply concerned and saddened at the state of our world. What is happening to us? Have we gone too far? I write this almost in tears, devastated by so much greed, hunger, war, and an environment in peril. I beg you to please help us in this great time of need. We are in severe danger; everyone alive knows it, and feels it. Please protect us from terrorism, natural disaster, and our own stupidity! What have we done to our precious planet and to each other? Forgive us, for we know now what we do! Lead us into the right direction, but if it is your will to teach us a lesson, then so be it. Alas, I know that humans sometimes do not learn unless through discipline; I ask for your mercy please in these scary times, especially for our kids and innocent animals who are suffering and will pay the price for all of this. No matter what a person's faith or belief may be, I ask mercy for us as all, as a collective species.
To any and all those lonely souls in jail, hospitals, nursing homes, or wherever they may be due to whatever sad/tragic reason, please give them some comfort during their difficult time.
I genuinely ask you this, in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught true love and tolerance for all,