There was an annular solar eclipse this past Sunday right? NOW 2012 WILL TRULY TAKE OFF! MOOHOOHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...
I went to the free public health clinic with my friend last week to get all our complete thorough STD testing done. Everything looks good so far, although the HIV test is always a bit nerve-racking, regardless of how careful I've been. I've done this so many times now I've lost count, but as a responsible adult, one has to keep up with this at least once a year. Lord knows I'm no longer the promiscuous pig of yesteryear, but ya never know, so it's best to get tested to make sure I don't have any bugs in my blood.
It's amazing how time flies man! And while I usually like what I see in the mirror these days, I am conscious of the fact I am getting older. To be pushing my forties thirties here is worrying me just a bit. Not because of the number, but I want to be able to hold on to my facade as long as possible! LOLOLOL! GOOD LAWD MAN! I see all these celebs and their incredible amount of fame and wealth, and yet none of them can stop the hands of time, regardless of how many cosmetic procedures they pay for. AND THEY STILL CAN'T STOP DEATH! Steve Jobs was worth billions and cancer ate him up last year! Whitney's drug habit was too much and she expired. And Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys, Donnna Summer, and Robin Gibb all succumbed to cancer not long ago! ALL OF THEM FAMOUS AND SUPER WEALTHY! What a cruel joke! If these larger than life people die, WHAT HOPE DO US MERE MORTALS HAVE?! Oh boy! I know that life has a meaning and purpose, but our species is quite a sad and conflicted one. Our mortality should make us do great things and seize the moment, but it also makes us very vulnerable and worthless. It's quite a dichotomy really. I guess making a name for yourself or influencing others in a positive manner should be our primary goal. We must not fear achieving what we want to, because we truly are on borrowed time. This 74 year-old crazy hysterical German co-worker of mine truly believes she will live another 500 years because she says she is healthy and has a positive attitude. She says the technology to keep us indefinitely alive will be around in the next decade or two thanks to stem cell research. Of course I had to interject with, "But what if you're in a terrible car accident? Medicine can't save you from severe trauma to the body!" She said the chances of that happening to her were low and that she cannot wait to live hundreds of years. LMAO! I hope her delusional outlook can sustain her as long as possible. She just had to say, that because I am constantly depressed, I probably won't live as long as her. GEE THANKS!! I'm not depressed, I just know what reality is all about honey. R-E-A-L-I-T-Y! Besides, I'm not sure I want to have a long life anyway...
This Facebook going on the stock market. I mean, hasn't this retarded social network been way overvalued!? MY GOD! I almost wish I'd never joined FAKEBOOK, but peer pressure did me in and it is a pretty good way to promote this amazing genius blog of mine. I look at the design and can't get over the simple white interface with cheap blue and gray trim! It's stupid! JUST STUPID! AND WE'VE ALL FALLEN FOR IT! ARGH! They claim 900 MILLION USERS WORLDWIDE?! THAT IS ASTONISHING! The money they say is made from advertising, but I never really click those side ads and on mobile phones, you don't even see them. WHERE ARE THEY GETTING ALL THESE STAGGERING AMOUNTS OF CASH?! All of these punks and beatches associated with FAKEBOOK are filthy rich! Mark SUCKERberg is OOGLY as hell but he's worth billions! HOW?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! He stole the idea from others didn't he? I haven't even seen The Social Network, but I've read the story behind the creation of this empire, and it all seems really fishy and dirty. The twins claim Mark stole their idea, but then there's that Brazilian guy who got a share of it and gave up U.S. citizenship not long ago to avoid taxes; everyone involved in FAKEBOOK seems rather sketchy, corrupt, and super greedy, which is why I am kind of glad its stocks are not doing well! I'd like to see it come down actually. I've never used my real name or personal information there; I find it pointless and just another way to keep track of me. Must be some sort of government database--posting my pics and having this blog is incriminating enough! Many think FAKEBOOK is the apex of all social networks and that it is here to stay for a very long time, but then again MySpace was really big for a while too and it has come crashing down quick. Nothing lasts forever, and the next bigger and better social network may be just around the corner. American fads don't last long, especially in today's globally interconnected and highly mutative world. I'm not going to join the next social network by the way. I refuse to fall into these traps again. I'm already monitored enough and I've divulged way too much already! AHAHAHAHAHA! Y'all know the size of my penis for crying out loud! True friends and those who matter in your life will use the old-fashioned phone to contact you. Plain and simple.
Miguel Bosé from Spain in the mid 80s. A good-looking lad he was! AND VERY GAY! LOL: