Thursday, November 03, 2005


-- -----------------"Grim Death" by William Strand, 1800's -------------

Yesterday was El Día de los Muertos/Difuntos throughout most of Latin America, which kinda coincides with Halloween. It's a day set to honor our loved ones who have passed on and to morbidly remind us of our own eventual demise.

Yes, that's right, every human alive (or just barely) at this very moment is someday gonna take that final crap and kick the bucket. It trips me out to think that at one point we're all animated bodies with emotion, movement, and energy, and then we all ultimately deteriorate into geriatricness or just die young becoming this lifeless decaying rotting putrid corpse; a mere shell of our former living breathing selves.

For thousands of years, cultures have been trying to deal with and understand death, but in this we can all agree: it pretty much is gonna happen to all of us. Regardless of race, creed, religion, finances, sexual orientation, the Grim Reaper will eventually knock on our door and take us out of this dimension. Scientists say that if those us now living in 2005 can just hang on about twenty-five more years and not die (LOL), that maybe by then they'll be able to extend our lives into the hundreds of years, instead of the now common seventies or eighties. Perhaps cloning itself will offer too that "immortality" so many seek.

Of course, we all wanna die sweetly, in our old age, relatively healthy and in our sleep, but alas we do not get to really choose now do we? UGH! That's the crux of the whole issue, how tha hell are we all going to die? As awful as it is to even fathom, there's an innumerable amount of ways to buy the farm, the main ones being: accident, illness, old age itself, suicide, and/or homicide. When and where will it happen? At what age? Perish the thought and excuse the pun. No one really wants to think of this, as tempted as you may be to ask that Ouija board. I would pray and hope that the truly evil and wicked have hideous deaths while the righteous die peacefully, but alas, life can be cruel and unfair and it isn't always so. Anyone up for one of those Final Destination movies?

The question being, just what tha hell comes after? Heaven with St. Peter or Jesus? Hell with Satan and Adolf Hitler? Purgatory? Paradise? Another dimension? Lingering as a ghost here on Earth? Or more dreadfully, maybe there is nothing after; the lights just go out and that's it. It's over. We really only do live once as everyone always says.

This is not an easy subject for me to ponder or even write about. But it's f**kin' reality. I love life despite all the bullshit it puts me, you, and everyone else through, but alas, I cannot selfishly hold on to it, for I do have to admit that I could go at anytime and must lose it so one day regardless. Ain't it funny? As much sadness and tragedy as we all suffer through in this world, we still want to hold on to life no matter what; it is human instinct to want to live forever as long as the quality of one's life is at the very least decent.

And oh yeah, what becomes of this blog were I to suddenly croak??? I better draft up a will and testament huh? LOL!

For now, I'll try as much to enjoy this strange weird f**kin' trip. Even those seemingly sour moments like when some asshole tailgates me while driving. Really man, so many trivial things that bother us now, won't even freakin' matter later.

For one day, we shall be no more...


Famous last words here:

1 comment:

Troy said...

Toooooo Late: "I'm already dead"!