Mom: "¡Dos muchachos en la iglesia dicen que salieron de sus cuerpos y vieron a John Lennon en el infierno!" --"Two young men at church said they went out of their bodies and saw John Lennon in hell!"
WAT: "¡¿Qué?! Yo no creo eso para nada. John Lennon no hizo nada para merecerse el infierno." --"What? I don't believe that at all. John Lennon did nothing to deserve going to hell."
Mom: "¡No, es cierto! ¡Dicen que lo vieron gritando y llorando quieriendo salir de allí!" --"No, it's true! They said they saw him screaming and crying wanting to get out of there!"
WAT: "No es posible eso. No creo en esas babosadas." --"That's not possible. I don't believe in that crap."
I mean come on! John Lennon in hell!? How dare they?! Mind you, my mother is not as gullible, but sometimes she falls for it--God bless her. She said she thinks his hardcore drug use and his remark back in the day about his band being bigger than Jesus might have sealed his fate, even though she was a huge Beatles fan in her day. Uh huh. O.k. Whatever. I'm sure lots of fire and brimstone Christians out there believe Lennon is partying with Satan, but it's a bunch of baloney! If there is such a place as hell, I would hope asswipes like Hitler, Ted Bundy, and Timothy McVeigh are there roasting away.
Not John Lennon though! He wrote some brilliant songs during his lifetime which brought joy and happiness to millions the world over, and continue to do so to this very day--a body of work unequaled in all of pop/rock music history. I mean, he was an activist for peaceful causes and social justice and was married only twice, having only two children. So he did drugs, BIG WHOOP! So he claimed his band was bigger than Jesus! O.k! Wasn't there a big public backlash, the burning of records, and an apology from John? And poor John got shot to death, which was hell enough--for him, his family, and fans the world over.
However, he did marry Yoko, and that should be reason enough to send anyone to hell for!
O.k. I'm just kidding.
"Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try; no hell below us, above us only sky." - John Lennon