Obama will take California for sure, even though I'm not voting for him. I get chewed out all the time for even admitting this, but whatever. Sorry, I'm just not all head over heels in love with your "Jesus" and his consistently annoying message of "CHANGE." UGH! Please! He is the lesser of the two evils however, so if you are voting for him, then good. But this blind messiah-like worship of the man is a bit scary! You'd think he can walk on water! Obama has to really prove himself in his first term, for me to even consider voting for him into a second one. I'm just being cautious. I apologize. I just want my conscience to be clear, just in case Obama has secret ties to evil space alien clowns that he's going to let fly in and blow up America. HAHAHAH! I like him, he's charming, and seems capable, but I can't quite put my finger as to why I am not entirely convinced by him. My intuition just keeps telling me that there's something shady and off balance here. I hope he proves me wrong, and really does "CHANGE" this country for the better.
Just a few hours till Halloween, and I still have no costume! DAMNIT! I know I'll come up with something cool though. I just know it. Hopefully I'll have pics of myself to post up on Saturday. There's always something to pick out of my closet, bu

How come I had never heard of this horror film until my co-worker mentioned it to me today? Sounds pretty interesting. I know many of you suffer from coulrophobia, and I guess I do a bit, but I still happen to kinda like these movies dealing with these creeps. A most disturbing horror flick I saw recently was the Australian import called Wolf Creek. I warn you, it is very unsettling.