Friday, September 18, 2009


Is it love?
Is it fate?
This feeling I'm feeling

has come so late

Is it love?
Is it fate?

For all I want from you

is a simple date

Is it love?

Is it fate?

The moments I am with you

are terrifically great

Is it love?

Is it fate?

That my heart be broken

like I once did my mate

Is it love?
Is it fate?
This vulnerability
that I so hate

Is it love?

Is it fate?

How much longer

will I have
to wait...

--by WAT


RG said...

It's so sweet of you to write a poem to me!

mkf said...

i can't even begin to intelligently comment on this most provocative of posts until i know your answer to the following question:

when the guy you love unexpectedly turns around and loves you back, do you (a) rush into his arms, (b) run away screaming, or (c) [like me] perform some combination of (a) and (b)?

think carefully before you answer.

WAT said...

I will rush into his arms. My days of ridiculous promiscuity are probably coming to an end. I hope not (LOL) but probably if the right one were to come along.

Conclave27 said...


I wlll say this in maw-maw...

"Maw me mawm RG ma maw maw maw. Maw Maw me Maw maw ma meh Maw maw Maw memaw Maw"


RG said...

Conclave27 - you have the funniest sense of humor. LOL

mkf said...

so, lemme understand this--you're one of those who thinks that the love of the "right one" will cure you of your acquired need for new flesh?

god, if it only worked that way in real life.

WAT said...

No, it won't cure me, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to get to know one person better is what I am trying to say. YEESH! I used to that cynical mkf, but come on now.


mkf said...

you're absolutely right, wat--there's nothing wrong with wanting to go deeper with the right one.

and if you can actually pull it off, i not only envy you, i envy the lucky guy who ultimately gets you (and that pleasurable penis) all to himself.

and yeah, i'm cynical. prove me wrong--please.

Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

So it's here and on FB too? When are you posting his photo?

alice said...

There is nothing more delicious and horrible than love. The emotion inspires the extremes and there are no lukewarm feelings. It's intense and heart-wrenching. Some say it is too painful to be in love, but it's a package deal. Without hurting, you don't recognize joy. I think it's worth it.