Saturday, September 23, 2006


How unbecoming of a statesman. Hugo Chávez goes to the UN this week and spews all this ridiculous name-calling against the President.

Even though many of us have issues with Bushy (and rightfully so), I still think the behavior of the controversial and outspoken leader of Venezuela is uncalled for. How embarrassing! The world really hates America right now. They want to see our downfall. They really do.

Dude, just give your speech (which has some good points), but have more class and decency when doing so.


Good news for Noam Chomsky though. Looks like his book, which was mentioned by Hugo, has shot up the
bestseller list.

En español:

Jon Stewart hilariously pokes fun at this:


Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny that this idiot talked about Chomsky being dead...

Anonymous said...

The "world" has hated America since I can remember. It's not some new phenomenon caused by the current admin.

And this clown doesn't deserve the time of day.

Keith said...

There is a *Button I am suppose to push correct?*...

Unknown said...

Its true we have been hated for a while. I hope it gets better when Bush is outta office.

Anonymous said...

He also referenced Hitchcock. How very, very random.

FoOliSh said...

Cool one LOL, would you like to linkexchange with me let me know with mail


Citizen S said...

You can't be serious. Bush has tried to overthrow him at least twice and Pat Robertson, Bush's friend, said he should be assassinated and Chavez is supposed to be polite? Uh-uh.
He gave Bush what Bush had coming.