Monday, April 09, 2007


It's terribly sad and upsetting to hear yet more bad news about the environment. Get yer Prozac out for this one, or celebrate humanity's most-deserved demise like I am!

The rapid melting of the polar ice sheets and glaciers is really freakin' happening. 60 Minutes had a report about a week ago, and the reporter got to see chunks of ice just cracking off glaciers and crashing into the water at an alarming unprecedented rate; this is something that someone would have never really seen happen so easily some thirty years ago--it prolly would've been as boring as watching grass grow, but no more, for it really is melting right before our very eyes. Oh pity the polar bear, seal, and penguin. And there goes some of our dry land! JUST GREAT!

Another report I heard on the radio was about the dying and bleaching out of the coral reefs in the world's oceans, which are an enormous food supply and vital to fish for their survival. Coral reefs are like the tropical rain forests of the seas. We're losing so many of these "forests", and in turn the fish are dying out too. I don't rely on fish as food supply really, but so many millions do, and it affects us all in the end regardless as a huge ecologial disaster if this is continues unabated. It's a real-life Finding Nemo, alright! UGH!

The most terribly shocking and worrisome of all these environmental doomsday scenarios though is the dying out of bees. We hardly stop and think of this one little critter's amazing value in our crop diversity and how important they are (little painful stinger and all) to not just our honey production but to the cross-pollination of our flowers. With the massive disappearance now being noticed by farmers worldwide of bees, this will create serious food shortages in the future, if not worse--the end perhaps of certain fruits and vegetables!

Global warming, coral reef bleaching, bees dying out, nuclear proliferation, water shortages, wars over oil, massive fossil fuel burning, overpopulation, and humanity's greed/selfishness continue...

Oh yeah, this could be it folks.
Are we the last generations of humanity that will enjoy the Earth as we've known it?

Only the roaches and Cher will be left ya know.

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left." - Albert Einstein.


Gavin Elster said...

Frog are in danger too. For some odd reason frogs all over the world are developing odd abnomalities. Two heads, extra legs, no legs at all. But thats the good news. Most of them are just dissapearing. Its all do to climate change. Amphibians around the globe have been vanishing from their usual habitats over the past quarter-century -- as many as 112 species have disappeared since 1980.

Anonymous said...

've known about the coral. Around many islands, the water has gotten too warm and the corals die off....

If bees die, and birds too, we'll have to come up with a new euphomism for talking about sex with children. No one should stand by and let that happen.

BTW, haven't checked the news: did Jesus wake up?

Anonymous said...

Didn't you know, these reports are all liberal propaganda. They made up global warming to scare us into being hippie-tree huggers and to vote for their wimpy, save-the-whales policies.

or so Rush Limbaugh would have everyone believe...

Unknown said...

melting, belching and dying...Oh My!
melting, belching and dying... Oh MY!

Now, that one would be a great blog post title, no?

(Who needs prozac when your a silly ass?)

I hate to think about it, so I kid. No disrespect meant.

BTW and on a lighter note: Reese Witherspoon and Jakey Gyllenhaal are an item kiddies!!! Me-Owwww.

Anonymous said...

how do you make people care about all this? they won't see it actually happen, or will they? and who cares about what our grand-grand-grand children will have to endure? Some days I do, but most days I forget our world is changing so dastrically and worry only about the stupidest things... My point is: if only ignorance was our problem...

Sebastien Millon said...

Thanks, this was sooo uplifting, haha! But seriously, I heard about the bee thing the other week on NPR, kinda freaked me out. And then that stuff about the fish and coral reefs, there are going to be huge dead zones in the oceans, areas which were once full of life but now totally devoid of anything. I guess all these disasters mean we should start partying like it's the apocalypse, no?

By the way, I love that line about Cher and the cockroaches, that's great! oh, and I made sure to vote for you a couple times for the blogger idol thing, you are in the lead, you need to win this thing!

Unknown said...

Uggh, we are all gonna die.

Eddie said...

Some find it annoying and inconvenient to think about what's going on in this deteriorating earth. The only solution is to do your part and speak about it to your fellow neighbor, co-worker or family members.

Republicans have a severe case of "Headuptheirassitis."

Besos Wat baby!!

Anonymous said...

I did a visualization for the bees to come back. The bee news continues on Coast to Coast am.. check it out at

an affliate near you! Fascinating stuff!