Saturday, April 09, 2005

" is history!" -Amon Goeth

I hate to use an anti-Semite's quote on this, but it's true! I am finally, after all these years, connected to high-speed Internet access! My lost Dell computer arrived finally in the last two weeks after being lost God knows where, my heart and soul Mikey helped me set it up, and after a two-hour delay, the cable guy finally arrived to set up supersonic Internet access! YES INDEED! TODAY...TODAY IS HISTORY! At least for me!

I cannot believe Prince Dumbo married that Afghan Hound today. How revolting and appalling! Lady Di, oh poor Lady Di is rolling over and over and over and over and over in that grave!

That finger found at Wendy's might have been planted by that lawsuit-happy woman who started this mess in the first place! GO FIGURE! I was happy just a while ago she had a case against them, and now it turns out she might of cut it off a dead relative at a wake earlier that week to put it in the chili and get herself some cash. What a twisted gross bitch!

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