Friday, October 15, 2004

Sweet Friday

I cannot thank my lucky stars enough that it's Friday yet again! And we're finally in the fall season, which is my favorite of the entire year! I love Halloween despite the fact I keep hearing it's Satan's holiday! Something about scary movies, costumes, and the whole atmosphere makes it such a cool holiday. I prefer it way more than Christmas, with it's freakin' gifts, crowded shopping malls, and annoying holiday songs! LONG LIVE HALLOWEEN! WOOHOO!

I have a brand new spankin' cell phone with great long-lasting battery power, I'm gonna vote for Kerry hoping he'll kill sand dwellers a la Bush without hating the gays like him, sadly my aunt goes back to El Salvador tonite, and I've been a bad boy in that I haven't gone to the gym in almost three weeks now. And so the fast pace of this my life rolls on and on...

1 comment:

Angie_C said...

kerry would advise you to take a monday off and go to SD to see Café Tacuba!