Tuesday, May 03, 2005

All I can do is observe.

I’m having a disappointing week. Everyone around me is imploding emotionally. Mikey, my soulmate, is complaining of migraines and deteriorating health, my good friends Sonny and David (who were supposedly dating) are in serious trouble after David was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, Johnny is having problems with his family and living situation, my longtime friend Steven was dumped by his lover George, and my co-worker/buddy William cannot seem to let go of a harmful relationship with a bitch and meanwhile I get to witness and hear it all, a helpless spectator who wants nothing but everyone to be healthy and happy. Instead, it all makes me sad and disappointed.

As for myself, I could complain, but why bother? Unlike many people, I acknowledge that we humans are where we are in life most of the time due to our own choices. Here I sit at work, wondering where this twisted journey called life is taking me. Nowhere really, if I continue living the way I am.

I love my new computer, and that at least keeps me happy somewhat. Right now, my life lacks drama, but I always wonder for how long?

Hopefully forever…as life is really short and comes to such a dreadful end anyway.


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