Monday, October 01, 2007


Here we are, October! MOOHOOHAHAHAHAHAAH! Time for some spooky blog posts! And this real life story of history's most infamous/notorious serial killer makes just about anyone's skin crawl! But of course ye silly wankers, I'm talking 'bout Jack the Ripper!

It is at the height of Victorian England, during the year 1888 that these brutal/savage crimes are committed against at least five prostitute women. Britain was at the time, the world's most powerful country, so the newspaper media attention given to the killer and his letters was unprecedented. Photographs of the mutilated bodies were taken, and are quite disturbing to look at even today.

Who was Jack? So many theories, so many suspects, so many ideas, and yet no one has identified who it was to this very day. Author Patricia Cornwell is sure she figured it out, but then again, many others have claimed it so. The terrific 2001 Johnny Depp film From Hell offers its own version as to who did it. With all due certainty, the killer is surely dead by now, but the legend of his murders continues to morbidly fascinate us to this very day:


Scot said...

It is a fascinating story, and there have been many theories. One of the reasons the story is so famous is because no ever figured out who it was- like the Zodiac Killer (another movie I think you liked).
Patricia Cornwell is a smart writer, although her last couple books I tried to read lost a lot of the edge she had. The first several Kaye Scarpetta novels are fun/exciting.

Anonymous said...

I love spooky blog posts! Great one to start with too! The legend of Jack the Ripper has always fascinated me.

M- Filer said...

You and your morbid curiosities!

paul dooley said...

Just linked to your zesty blog.

Eddie said...

I actually enjoyed the Jonny Depp movie rendition of Jack the Ripper (I don't remember the exact title... I'm a dude for God's sake!). That flippin' movie have my pupils glued to the screen...

Besos para siempre