Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Ch-Ch-Ch-Check it out!

God, I just heard of a woman and these boys that drowned in some creek somewhere locally. THAT IS HORRIBLE! UGH! Death rears its ugly head once again.

Well, I had an interesting weekend full of errands, lascivious encounters, sleeping, drinking, and hanging out at some of my old watering holes. Some way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy huh?

It was back to work today, and although all of us here would've wished for yet another day off, it was not meant to be. Alas, my time away from here means so much to me: my evenings with my buddies, my time to unwind, watching TV, chatting on the phone, or just surfing the net.

I realized last Thursday, that I do love my family, I saw an aunt and cousin of mine visiting from EL SALVADOREELAND that I had not seen in about nine years! I say I realized I loved them, because I have always wanted to be away from them, due to the fact that it's hard for me to be open to them about my current sexuality issues. My aunt Amanda almost cried, she thinks I look like my deceased father (her brother) now more than ever. What can I say, we turn into our parents eventually they say, whether we like it or not. My father was not a great man, but he was a good man, plagued by many demons and addictions. He was a wonderful son, a loyal friend, a shitty lover, and tyrannical distant father, but nonetheless, I miss him terribly. He's been gone now for three years, and it still hurts me to have had him taken from us a la John Lennon. I even had a nightmare of the scenario just last week, and I woke up in tears.

Such a senseless ridiculous way to go for a man whom I think was really trying to redeem himself as he got older. And life goes on, but not without this great scar upon my heart...

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