Because in the end, almost nothing really matters that much anyway.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I warn you, as soon as my voice comes in, the sound is BOOMING LOUD! LOL! My apologies, I was a bit overly excited with my opening song choice. Anyway, watch/listen to this clip and I hope you enjoy it and comment! 2010 is over! HALLELUJAH! I'm looking forward to the chaos and awesomeness of 2011!! WOOHOO! JULIAN ASSANGE FOREVER! LMAO!
You really need a camcorder with auto-focus. :) I'm glad 2010 is over and done with as well.
Here's to a grand New Year!
Happy New Year WAT. I like the Vaseline-on-the-lens video. It sort of feels like a Liz Taylor Obsession for Men commercial.
You always entertain me, so for this I thank you!
Happy New Year
couple observations:
(a) you're even more appealing when you open your mouth and speak--you realize how rare that is?
(b) thanks for pumped up kicks--it's my new drunken obsession
ok, it's been 4 days, and the whistling is beginning to annoy the co-workers--how do i get that goddam song outta my head?
Suuuuuper. A new fan here!
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