Tuesday, September 07, 2004


The Russian school massacre by those sand people last week was horrible! HORRIBLE! No question. What pisses me off though, is that some of the Armenian community here at work have circulated an email calling for the death of Muslims for their atrocities. Well HELLO!!! It only took this incident last week for y'all to show some disgust or political activity? I've been screaming at the top of my lungs and upset since 9/11/01 when they struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon! It's been three years since those sickos got us good, and I have nothing but contempt for that religion and the people who so fundamentally practice it. Say what you will about President Bush, he does not hesitate when it comes to killing these terrorist pigs! I just pray and hope John Kerry is just as militant, for these sand-dwelling murderers do not understand treaties or agreements, only grenades and shotguns up their bungholes. They must die. Israel has long suffered their killing, the first WTC bombing in '93, the embassies in Africa, the USS Cole, 9/11, the bombing in Bali, terrorism in Iraq, the Russian planes, the school in Russia...how much more proof do you kids need that we are indeed in a full-scale war against enemies of all that is free and good?

In other news, I went to Santa Barbara on Saturday. Still beautiful, lots of dogs, hotties, and plenty of sun. Aaaaaaaaaahhhh...this is life in the good ole' USA. Here's hoping Florida doesn't get Hurricane #3 soon.


Angie_C said...

wake up....


WAT said...

Hmmm...interesting presentation, complete with modern music! Um, so the Trade Center was hit with giant jets, yet the Pentagon wasn't? I don't understand the reasoning or point of them saying it was missile or military aircraft. Interesting theory. Why don't they have a small little Internet film with cool music on the World Trade Center? Because the proof exists that GOD DAMNED CRAZY TOWELHEADS DID FLY JETS INTO THEM. And that's enough proof for me.

WAT said...

How about these websites and their claims?





Angie_C said...

Only 2 of your links worked.
I just don't believe that these sand niggers that once
rode on camels at one point could come up with a plan that elaborate, and then execute it, no way man.
That smart yet that is all they could do, they haven't been able to do anything else since? yet they hate america so much.....Dubya is behind it, and election time is coming up, let's see what Dubya will have in his ears, errr up his sleeve.

WAT said...

I'm sorry, so it wasn't camel jockeys that flew those planes? Then what the hell happened? I refuse to believe our government planned this out and executed it in this fashion. WHO DID THIS THEN???!!!