Monday, September 11, 2006


Whatever ideology it was that led to all of the horror of that day and whom you believe was ultimately at fault and responsible, the fact remains that close to 3,000 people lost their lives brutally. To their loved ones, friends, families, co-workers, and all who are still alive with the pain of those they lost, I dedicate this post and wish you and our country as a whole the strength to continue healing from this painful moment in our history.

I have heard and read so many insensitively say that the number killed on that morning was pretty insignificant, and that we really dodged a bullet that more did not get killed. I say to you: 3,000 is way too many victims; people who went to work as normal, and never returned home to their families or pets. I have posted here a disturbing but necessary clip of someone who died that awful morning, Kevin Cosgrove.

IF YOU ARE TOO SENSITIVE OR EASILY UPSET DO NOT LISTEN- (sound comes in after some 25 seconds of video footage of the attacks):


Anonymous said...

I think that just broke me.

Unknown said...

Wow, great tribute Wat.