Friday, September 25, 2009


Hello and happy Friday. Work sucks. Yeah yeah...

The greatest TV s
how ever was Twin Peaks, because David Lynch is a genius and it influenced every other show I am about to mention here, but I digress...

Okay, maybe I've ranted about this before, but how do you
people find tha freakin' time to watch so much television?! This is the kind of thing I used to do when I was a teenager--I don't got that kind of time no more you bastards! I'm either at work and on the Internet, or at home sleeping or on the Internet! LOL! But there's all these shows friends and people I chat with online tell me that I should watch: Entourage, Dexter, Weeds, Mad Men, House, 30 Rock, Lost, and I still have yet to see Six Feet Under, which everyone raves about. I did watch some of The Sopranos, but I wasn't all that impressed really. Seen that before in The Godfather movies already quite honestly, or any other gangster movie ever made. Mind you, I have watched some of those shows I've just mentioned, but to make time for every week or whole entire seasons on DVD?! No tengo el tiempo. I'm more of a movie person anyway, since those can be digested in about two hours, whereas a show has to be followed weekly and shit. I love shows that deal with supernatural horror though like Supernatural of course, or the really great Roswell, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel of television past. I will most likely make time for True Blood, because that show I hear is phenomenal, and it's about vampires, and I love blood-sucking creatures of the night! Well, any kind of sucking at night period! HEE!

It's so late already as I write this, but what else is new? I'm an incorrigible night owl I'm afraid, and this is why having a morning job doesn't work for me anymore. It just f*c
king doesn't! So I desperately need to find work or whatever other nice-paying task out there to start around 11am and beyond. I mean, seriously! My current job cramps my night owl partying-style baby. So many times I hear co-workers criticize me for being so rebellious in my mid-thirties and not acting my age or settling down, but it's all due to me being such a well-behaved and homebodyish person once before--I never went out or did any sort of wild things in my teens or early 20s. It's only now that I have the car to take me everywhere, the age to do what I want, and the confidence/self-esteem to see L.A. in all its full nighttime glory! Only to be ruined by having to worry about going to bed early enuff to make it to f*cking work at 9am! UGH! YUCK! LOLOLOL! I know, I know, I need to take stock of what is important, and my job comes first right? Because it does after all provide me with the money to pay for my survival and I should make an effort to improve my attendance and be there at a reasonable time but NOOOOOOOOOOO WAT, NOOOOOOOOOOO, you just have to always be out late on weeknights at some karaoke bar, or on someone's couch getting high laughing at 30 Rock episodes, or just having sex with the entire city of Los Angeles, and then you wonder why you hate your job and feel so sleepy at it most of the time! GROW UP ALREADY MAN! Time to get serious here!

Nah, go to hell. Go to hell ye retarded responsibilities. Imma be dead some day anyway. I want to live. And milk the youth (or be milked hoohoohaha), I still have left for all its worth.

One of the best moments in awards show history:


RG said...

Loved Twin Peaks - you never knew what weird shit David Lynch would throw in at the last moment to make your head explode.

True Blood's run for this season has ended. But, I recommend that some Saturday when you're doing laundry, sit down and watch the entire 2nd season in one fell swoop. The season ender closes some stories but has left open enough lingering threads to make for a good 3rd season. But, we'll see. Of course these are the same writers that got rid of a really cool, very hot and sexy vampire. Sorry for the spoiler.

Gledwood said...

I watched Twin Peaks loads of times but cannot remember ONE single event... apart from a Chinese maid trying not to become a servant and getting indentured for her lack of loyalty... or something. Something like that. Hmmmm

ps can you tell me which is the best "Real Housewives" prog? We get New Jersey but I heard Atlanta is better ...

Also what are these women ON?? I might be a junkie but don't give me any.

A Lewis said...

Listen pumpkin, if you think you're going to see me when I come to LAX at a reasonable hour, it'll have to be PRIOR to my 8pm bedtime. But I promise to make it worth your while. And that's a wrap.

Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

People say you either love or hate David Lynch, but I'm sort of lukewarm about him. I have never been a big follower of series TV and never got into either The Sopranos or Twin Peaks. I have been bitten by the Mad Men craze, but always after the end of the season on DVD. It's something about my passion for being in control and deciding when I want to watch it. (And, yes, I know some folks think Mad Men is over-rated.)

mkf said...

from the moment i escaped the tyranny of high school, i resolved to arrange my life in such a way that my drunken night-owl ass would never have to drag itself outta bed before eleven a.m. at the very earliest on any given day.

34 years later, i'm still managing to pull that off.

if you're gonna role-model me in any significant way, wat, i suggest you concentrate on figuring out how i've managed to sleep 'til noon and still get paid handsomely for most of my adult life.

Rick Rockhill said...

you never saw six feet under? wat's the matter with you??? (like that little wat joke?

alice said...

I never watched Twin Peaks or Six Feet Under.... but I'm like you, I prefer movies. There have been some series tv that I occasionally watch, but have never officially adopted one. I do like Entourage, because I met Mark Wahlberg and it's based on his life when he first started acting. And I used to always watch "24", but missed last season. I really don't allow the time - I'd rather do something else.