Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's Groundhog Day, so effin' what?!

So much to write and talk about, I don't even know where to begin, or if to EVEN begin. I keep exposing my blog to more and more of my friends, at the risk of having them know more of my personal details than I would like them to! But that's the point of the whole thing isn't it?

Elections were just held in Iraq, and they're calling it a success, although that's almost debatable and laughable due to the fact that suicide bombers still killed several voters and a huge amount of potential voters stayed home due to the threats. Our whole purpose in Iraq sounds good, an ideal dream of establishing a true democracy in the middle of such a hornet's nest, but the cost and sacrifice is so great. I guess we wouldn't have won WWII, had we not believed in the cause then huh? Michael Moore and crew of course, would be up for arguing with me on that one I'm sure.

My stomach recently turned last week at having to listen to a fellow ex-Soviet co-worker here doubt the deserved merits of the United States of America and its role in having defeated Nazism and the evil Japanese Empire during WWII. The sheer and utter nerve of the bitch to claim it was the Soviets who saved the day! Sure, they did help in stopping the Nazis and rounding lots of them up, but only because the Germans invaded Russian territory! It was an obvious defense move and in part it was thanks to America that victory was even possible! It makes me cringe that we have so many immigrants to this country that do not appreciate or give this country credit for the things it has done for the world and its citizens. Yes, we are from perfect, and many mistakes have been and continue to be committed, but for the most part, I believe in this country wholeheartedly, despite its current atrocious anti-gay policies. Call me a naive patriot or a foolish moron, but anyone who does not thank their lucky stars that they're living in the greatest land on Earth due to all the heroic and valiant men and women who gave up their lives for true causes deserve Darth Vader's quote from the original Star Wars film, "You are part of a Rebel Alliance and a traitor!"

I'm in a lustful mood again, but what else is new? I'm drawing a blank as to what else to mention in this entry, so if anything else occurs to me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well....what can I say. History is written by the victors. Despite the sacrifice by many brave was in vain. We cannot live on the spoils of blood that was shed over 50+ years ago.

Politicans have sulled what ever victory was garned. Yes. There is alot of US resentment over the past couple of years and it is true. There is fact that our great nation has interfered with many things. We have always be doing it. Like I said many times before... look at what the U.S. has done to Latin America. Current american politics has ruined our standing in the world.

Iraq....we unjustly invaded this countrym under false pretense. We are force our way of life and a sham of democracy upon them. How many deaths of US citizens and coalitions forces have been in vain in the war for oil?

Facts are facts.

It is ironic that you use the Empire's quote. Especially when they are the Nazi Imperialist in that galaxy. America has turned into that....we are not the land of the free....we are not a democracy..or even a true republic.

So yes your co-worker has some just right to feel that way. We have interfered..I do not know when or where....but we will get our do for this unjust war.

"A king that fights his own wars. That would be something wouldn't it?"
-Brad Pitt from "Troy"