Thursday, March 17, 2005

Poor Scott Peterson. Off You Go Chucky!

Robert Blake and O.J. got away with murder, why couldn't Scott Peterson? WOW! What a loser! Such a handsome guy, now on death row, prime juicy meat for buttrape or murder from another inmate even! So what if Robert Blake went free, the guy is so insane, he's well on his way to joining O.J. on the golf course and completely losing his mind for good.

Mario Vásquez is now so adorably cute to me ever since he abandoned American Idol to pursue whatever. I'd so like to bone him. The only thing I hate is the way he and everyone else pronounce his last name. It’s not VASKWEZ, it's VASKEZ! UGH! GET IT RIGHT! It’s Spanish folks, and it would help if at least it sounded a little less irritating once the name is anglicized.

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