Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Mon Dieu et sacre bleu!

1789 again!

The French riots have gotten scary enough, that a state of emergency has been declared, meaning strict curfews are in effect. We'll see if these new measures help, for if anything flares up again tonight, it will be the 13th night in a row I believe of these severe disturbances.

A guy on the radio last night said that this is the begining of a new type of
intifada in Europe; for years they have allowed immigration of poor Muslims from former French colonies where in turn they have bred a new generation of French-born, yet distinct young people who do not identify with France or its culture. They are culturally Arab and follow Islam, and could give a crap about la Tour Eiffel or le Louvre! Add to this, haughty French racism and neglect, and you've got a recipe for true disaster!

And as we already know, what do angry fundamentalist MOOSELIMS like to do? Cause mayhem of course! We're seeing it here folks, right before our very eyes; it is terrorism, disguised as riots! French officials have said it is well-organized and they have targeted many major cities across the country. The angry mobs even went as far as to say they were upset at the government due to some headscarf ban in schools implemented about a year ago.

This is the country that would not go to war with us in Iraq not on the grounds that it was a quagmire, but because they wanted to appease their Muslim population and come out as heroes. Let's face it, the French are f**kin' sellouts and they are characteristically weak and in denial of real dangers. The Nazis overran them quickly during WWII, and the U.S. bailed them out of both major world wars. For years they've hated us (regardless of our president), because they're jealous that Napoleon does not rule the world anymore. They are ungrateful because their pride is too great at times. AMERICA ROCKS and they know it and hate us!

Granted, I do love their cuisine, culture, and language very much, and some of their people must be pretty cool, but the majority of them are so snobbish and uppity, as if their shit smells like eau de cologne or roses. NOW LOOK! LOOK AT THINE GREAT RÉPUBLIQUE MESDAMES ET MESSIEURS! I hope it survives the current chaos long enough so that I (this yucky American) can pay them a visit someday.

The American response to our loyal backstabbing French allies is freakin' hilarious and right on:

United States State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, asked to comment directly on the riots, said it was a French internal issue, and added, "certainly, as anybody would, we mourn the loss of life in these kinds of situations. But, again, these are issues for the French people and the French government to address."

So basically, you're on your own suckas!

THIS ARTICLE HERE has to be read to be believed. A GOOD READ INDEED!

Et le monde continue a regarder...

1 comment:

WAT said...

Well, if I am wrong I stand corrected, et "je suis desolé." Less angry Muslims in the world is actually a good thing, after all the chaos the real angry ones are causing!