Monday, July 17, 2006


Ya gotta read this article:

Gingrich says it's World War III

In relation to this, I was just speaking to my co-worker John (not his real name) who was born and raised in Iran. I'm paraphrasing here, but this is basically what he just told me:

"I was born in Iran. I left when I was about 27 years old. I had to get out of that shit country when that son of a bitch Satan Khomeini came into power sometime in 1979. Thank goodness I got out of there when I did. Any rational human being with the ability to leave that place would have done the same thing. You have no idea how insane these Muslims are. I don't think Americans realize how deadly and crazy these people are. They are evil! They need to be eliminated, and what Israel is doing currently and what America has been up to in Iraq is a good thing. I don't think many see what a great thing Bush is doing here. They criticize him every chance they get, but have no idea that what he is trying to do here. It's time to clean house, and I am glad that world governments are finally taking action against this evil. You have no idea how insane and fanatic these people truly are! Jimmy Carter is a stupid idiot! Fuck him one million times over! He had the chance then to stop Khomeini and this growing threat of terrorism back in the late 70s and he did nothing! He kept saying it was all about human rights and spewing nothing but peaceloving garbage! The other presidents after him did nothing either, and it's only now that George W. Bush finally has the balls to put an end to this very dangerous and serious threat to world peace and stability. 9/11 could have been prevented had they taken care of this problem years ago, but it's never too late, and I am glad that something is being done now, with Iran especially being the worst most terrorist government there is. They are the sponsors of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists. This has to be stopped, and what is happening right now with Israel is exactly part of the bigger picture/plan. These crazy Muslims will not stop until the whole world becomes their religion. They boast about how slowly but surely they've immigrated and taken over lots of European countries, they will not cease until they can continue converting the whole world to their religion. This is most certainly a religious war and these bastards must be stopped."

O.k. You read what John said. Please tell us how you REALLY feel.



Anonymous said...

Its not even Bush thats doing it, its all the young soldiers that are getting killed in order to make a change.

Poz Mikey said...

Is your co worker really that ignorant to think Bush is a saint?

Anonymous said...

As the Syrian abassador said on CNN....
"Isrealis are to blame". Yes there is truth to this.

Semites include all the people both arab and jew. Jews and Arabs are cousins and for centuries lives in a state of tolerance until the middle ages. The current regime of isreales and jew stem from the persecuation of the europeans. These jews take out there hostility to the arab people and have, since the formation of Isreal, have terrozied and hurt their neighboring cousins. These selfish and self-righteous Zionists has cause this conflict. Wanting more and more, becuase they belive that it is their divine right! An the zionist puppet naton (the US) funded by Jew gold is their guard dog.

If order for this war to stop, the Jews need to get over it and share the land before someone says...fuck it and blows the entire Jewish people and others in a nuclear bomb.

Troy said...

clean house is right. as for gingrich, i agree with him too. nice posting.

Anonymous said...

I don't know enough about the subject but your co worker's ideas/opinions make me nauseous. there is crap going on in the middle east but I don't think Bush is doing any good, not to the Americans certainly. Why is he not fixing Asia and Africa? And how much more evidence is necessary so people understand the Iraq war that Bush constructed is in no way actually justified by 9/11?

Anonymous said...

Obviously your co-worker has issues, but, unless you totally misquoted him, no foundation for his argument. It's probably his upbringing, family sentiments, etc. that make him speak before thinking.

We are not in Iraq to destroy Muslims. We are over there for oil, natural gas, and weapons sales. Bush could care less about terrorist or fundamentalist (except for those right here that vote for him).

His opinion on Muslims can be easily applied to the Christian fundamentalist in the US. They're trying to convert the whole world to their religion, no matter what. Should Iran start military actions in the US to stop them from spreading?

Gingrich is an ass and kicking up fear so everyone votes Republican again. His comments are idiotic; propaganda to get the little old ladies and silly housewives scared. Of course, there could be information he has that he's not willing to share to justify his statements...

(or maybe he read your blog, WAT!)

G-Man said...

our world is going to hell in a handbasket....