Because in the end, almost nothing really matters that much anyway.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
LE 14 JUILLET, 1789.
Thanks to all who stop by this blog and take time to read my insane words! I love my fans! Los quiero mucho.
I have trips to Las Vegas and Palm Springs within my sights this summer, although going to either of these two places at this time of year is madness because it gets sooooooo hot out there! Outside my nice air-conditioned prison (office) near Northridge, it gets to about 105 degrees during the day! This kind of weather is easily tolerable in nice shade or AC, but horrible when having to face it directly. The one thing I do appreciate about summer are the nights--they are obviously much cooler and nicer to go out in, although one time in Phoenix I remember a 90-degree reading around 10p.m. and that just about floored me to feel warm hot air blowing so late into the night. I am trying to play the lottery now more often than ever before, hoping for a financial miracle so that I can quit working and focus more on traveling, which takes money of course. I know money is not the key to happiness, but it would definitely make my life easier and I could just take off to Vegas, Palm Springs, or wherever I wanted to without any considerations or hesitations whatsoever--WHAT A DREAM THIS WOULD BE! I have worked and struggled for money long enough to know its value and appreciate it, so money would be a true blessing for me since I wasn't born rich at all. But anyway, on a more realistic level, I do hope to make it one of my vacation destinations eventually so I can at least take some cool pics and post them on this silly blog. I ain't been to Vegas or PS since earlier this decade, and I feel mighty overdue. And although I would probably miss Los Angeles terribly, I think I'd like to leave this city within the next five years and try living somewhere else for a good while. L.A. has been my home my entire freakin' life and I am downright sick of it really. Oregon sounds like a nice enough state, although is gay life up there as exciting and tolerable as it is down here? What about TexASS? Yeah, but Texas weather sounds downright horrid, especially with that humidity, although Austin sounds like a really cool place. I dunno, I need suggestions from ye out there who live all over this country to gimme some ideas on where I should move to out of Los Angeles. L.A. has its awesomeness, but it has gotten bloody expensive, too crowded, and there's an earthquake about to hit us here that is going to level this city and f*ck it up real good. And no, I do not want to go to San Francisco, New York, or Boston. LOLOL! Those are awesome places I'm sure but I don't want bitter winters, equal earthquake danger, or more expensive living than what I already deal with. I'm trying to find a place that is less stressful and still fun to be gay in. I have had offers to move just outside of Atlanta, but I dunno...
I had no idea this band was from France! How appropriate then, to introduce them to you on this Bastille Day! Mighty fine catchy tune:
vegas is for losers. And palm springs in the summah(do the math)100+20=120 deg! run away as fast as you can. Spend more time in SF, If you really want a good quality experience, have some balls and go to Dore Alley. Don't be a pussy.
I love Vegas and Palm Springs, am sure you will have a great time, despite the heat. One of the things I love about both places is when it is 90 plus at night, that warm wind blowing and it feels the same temperature that we are.
It can be fun researching other places to live. I was born here and have left a few times, always to return. Not sure what that means. lol
Just say no to Texas. San Francisco is more expensive but has a very mild winter. Gay life is tolerable in Portland and better integrated than in LA an SF if you ask me. Boston winters can be brutal but the ones in NYC are just right in my book
OK, you had better let me know when you plan to come to PS. I'll be happy to give advice, share ideas on places to go, maybe even buy you a drink if you want.
vegas is for losers. And palm springs in the summah(do the math)100+20=120 deg! run away as fast as you can. Spend more time in SF, If you really want a good quality experience, have some balls and go to Dore Alley. Don't be a pussy.
I love Vegas and Palm Springs, am sure you will have a great time, despite the heat. One of the things I love about both places is when it is 90 plus at night, that warm wind blowing and it feels the same temperature that we are.
It can be fun researching other places to live. I was born here and have left a few times, always to return. Not sure what that means. lol
have a great day Wat.
Your invitation to Boston is officially and hereby rescinded, you big weather pussy. LOL
And you can forget about that blow-job as well.
RG: I would still love to visit Boston though! VISITING is at least some effort right?!
Okay, you can visit - fall, spring or summer but obviously not winter. I'm reconsidering the blow-job thing. LOL
Just say no to Texas. San Francisco is more expensive but has a very mild winter. Gay life is tolerable in Portland and better integrated than in LA an SF if you ask me. Boston winters can be brutal but the ones in NYC are just right in my book
Damn. Talking about the weather, Phoenix is crazy, even too hot at night, haha! not surprised that reading you went to was so freakin' hot.
Good places to live... hmmm, you should consider some locations in Spain. I've spent time in Valencia, that was a great city, near the beach.
Also, I have some family living in Aix-en-Provence, in southern France, right near the French Riviera, beautiful city, originally built by the Romans.
When's your Vegas trip? Seester and I will be there the weekend after this!
OK, you had better let me know when you plan to come to PS. I'll be happy to give advice, share ideas on places to go, maybe even buy you a drink if you want.
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