I find it terribly sad that they came so close to killing hundreds in London with two car bombs. And now today I'm hearing about a car in flames that was rammed into a Scottish airport! Another terrorist attempt perhaps? Certain media was trying to be politically correct about not pointing the finger at Muslim extremists, but come on, we know better now don't we? Most of this terrorist scourge in our world today is due to them. Unless we're all being taken for a ride and our governments are feeding us more unnecessary and controlling fear...Like what that brilliant V for Vendetta film portrayed.
Wat. I think you hit it on the nose.
Well, it might not be terrorists. And I'm sick and tired of this fear of everything spreaded by the medias and governements. Yes, it's sad that a car was bombed. But life goes on.
I might sound cynical but terrorism has always existed. France had a lot of problem in the 90' - most important is to keep in living as normal and not being afraid of everything.
Well your right that it probobally is the result of Muslim extremists, because that is the group that is most active these days. But not necessarily; remember Oklahoma City? Everyone thought it was a foreign terrorists and then it turned out to be little 'ol blonde Christian extremist Timothy McVeigh. I just feel bad for the vast majority of Muslims who are peace seeking, because they have become targets of our culture. So, if the media is being PC by not jumping to that conclusion...well then three cheers for political correctness. I'm all for it.
innit!!!!!!! god its ridiculous the way they shift around the subject when if you ask me WHAT'S THE POINT? we're not naive, i think we know who it was, it's not offensive it isn't as if anybody's saying 'all muslims are terrorists', because that would be so completely wrong and out of line, it's just that i can't think of ANYONE who hasn't heard of 'al qaeda'. fuck's sake.
Now with the morning news saying it was a terrorist attack, we know. I'm just really glad no one has been killed in these attempts. And it's great to read how these people really pulled together to stop the airport attack.
Not only were they terrorists (what else?) but they bombings were connected...and not only that...two were medical doctors. hippocratic oath anyone? Hippocratic, hippocrite, you say tomater, I say tomater.
there is a disturbing trend happening, and now with the spanish tourists being killed in yemen, i am afraid to think of what is next
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