Those were some interesting responses to my last post! Thanks again kids for indulging me with yer thoughts/view on the meaning of life. The point as always of course, is to enjoy it as much as possible right?
My beloved bud has this DVD set called Bizarre Foods hosted by Andrew Zimmern; this bald pudgy chef dude who has the enviable (or maybe not so) p
osition of traveling all over the world trying out/eating some of the most disgusting meals you could ever imagine! I could barely stand watching him in Spain where he ate roasted suckling baby pigs, seafood galore, bull testicles, and anything else most Americans would not dare ingest! I also caught a bit of the U.K. episode, but I tells ya, most of the time I spent covering my eyes or looking away because the stuff he shoves into his piehole is downright gross! He will try/eat anything and if it's too normal like the Spanish drink horchata, he doesn't seem to like it! His taste buds are used to the insanely grotesque! I can't stand the way this man gorges and eats his food! HE IS VILE! But what an amazing life he leads I suppose! He'd do well on that Fear Factor for sure.I watched Mr. Skeffington, this 1944 movie starring Bette Davis who overa
cts at times and does this annoying high-pitch voice for her character; my co-worker R.B. had warned me the shrilly voice could be a bit irritating. A good film overall about the futility of vanity and selfishness, but a bit too long, although the rest of the cast is pretty darn good, especially Claude Rains. Then there's this 90s British picture simply called Priest, and this little film was wonderfully acted! They chose a fine handsome lad as the main character played by actor Linus Roache; about his moral conflicts with homosexuality and child abuse. A very dramatic, sometimes erotic, and very moving movie! Me likey lots!
Madonna's 2003 American Life album was so panned and hated by the critics, but this CD has some of her most amazing underrated songs! TRULY WORTH A SECOND LISTEN TO AND BEYOND! And it was over the weekend that "X-Static Process" popped up randomly on my i-Tunes and I couldn't help but enjoy the beauty of this song. It's a great tune and if ya want some cool Madge images along with the track itself, just click here.Last but not least, I've been listening to a lot of Camilo Sesto's terrific hit
songs from the 70s and 80s. He was an enormous music star from Spain who sold millions, with a tremendous voice and some awesomely written ballads and pop songs; my older brother Charles' childhood singing idol. Quite the nice-looking singer/songwriter, a sort of Neil Diamond I guess. Here's a clip of one of his great tunes if you're interested.
And that's all for now! ¡Viva la vida!
I have to say I love watching Andrew Zimmern eat fried scorpions and I'd join him in a second--but I'd like a nice glass of champagne with my crispy fried worms!
You are right on about it being a good week for Madge, considering she was inducted into the Hall of fame and all.
Last week...a whole other story!
"American Life" favorites in order of fabulousness (and to think I was not thrilled at first)
1.Love Profusion
2.Nobody Knows Me
3.Nothing Fails
4. X-Static Process
5. Hollywood
I don't think I've listened to any of American Life. I believe I was anti anything gay at the time. I'll give it a listen one o' these days.
I believe I'll skip the Bizarre Foods thing though.
Watched Zimmern last night--he was eating seahorse penises in China and extolling the virtues of the Chinese government --they're a rising superpower, etc etc.... and at one point while eating Snake Penis soup with a Chinese woman business consultant, she turned to him and said her penis was bigger than his. tee hee hee --she meant the penis in her soup.
Zimmern liked the Yak penis best, because he siad it tasted "most like penis"
seriously, I think he meant like Bull penis or something.
Watched Zimmern last night--he was eating seahorse penises in China and extolling the virtues of the Chinese government --they're a rising superpower, etc etc.... and at one point while eating Snake Penis soup with a Chinese woman business consultant, she turned to him and said her penis was bigger than his. tee hee hee --she meant the penis in her soup.
Zimmern liked the Yak penis best, because he said it tasted "most like penis"
seriously, I think he meant like Bull penis or something.
see what happens when you are too lazy to sign in? You can't delete your extra comment.
X-static Process and Hollywood are my favorite songs on that album. And Zimmern is nuts. But I love him.
Sure, if you need a direct link to the song, just email me.
I watched that Andrew Z. dude in Alaska last night...with whale blubber, whale oil, and other stuff that he was not too keen on. What a pussy.
I enjoyed the American life album also. Like many of you, it grew on me.
Well, if you "enjoyed" that series, you might also be interested in Tom Parker Bowles' "The Year of Eating Dangerously" which follows a similar path, though perhaps even more disgusting. I've had grasshoppers in Oaxaca and cuy in the Andes but turned down an offer for blood soup in Otavalo.
You can buy mink penis at Paxton Gate in my neighborhood though as an ornament, not food.
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