Because in the end, almost nothing really matters that much anyway.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Thanks for keeping up with this blog and commenting. Most appreciated.
See the pic next tothis paragraph? There I am having a drink next to this hot dude who is painfully straight, or so I've heard he is... ARGH! Went to my co-worker/bud's party on Saturday night to his beautiful home and there was so much good food there! I don't know how he does it, but the Argentine lives in the most western part of the San Fernando Valley, yet he manages to get all kinds of people out there from all corners of this great big city of L.A. I still can't get over all the food! I ate like a starving fiend! There was pesto pasta, egg salad, pizza, pupusas, meatballs, garden salad, empanadas, apples and cream, cake, pecan pie, cookies, etc. A true banquet, and many thanks to everyone for making this a most delightful potluck. The people who showed up were some other co-workers I already know and some new nice people I met here and there, but there were also some real annoying individuals that I intelligently stayed away from. I guess this happens at any party right? All about chemistry. Too bad it wasn't a hot enough day, or I would've jumped into the pool. We're having a pretty mild June, but I'm afraid it will be short-lived once the sweltering hot temps kick in very soon.
Sunday eve I took my beloved to the classicAero Theatre in Santa Monica!Nice town, full of rich white people that drive expensive cars. We saw this interesting movie from Spain with a first-rate cast that takes place during the 1940s calledLos Girasoles Ciegos (The Blind Sunflowers), and it was followed by this lame period piece called The El Escorial Conspiracy, about intrigue and shit during the glorious imperious reign of Philip II; this movie was in poor accented English, and many of the original patrons there for the first authentic Castilian film walked out on the second movie. I was close to leaving, but figured I should sit it out and get my money's worth, and the movie was pretty to look at, but not much else! Oh well, I got some nice brochures on visiting España and stuff in the lobby and there were lots of Spaniards there blabbing in their lisp and crap; some of the dudes and gals were actually quite good-looking. All I need now is a good $5000 to take a nice good trip/vacation to cruel bullfighting land and I'm set! JUST FIVE THOUSAND! UGH!
This song sounded really good Saturday night at the fiesta; gay men have been gaga (<--pun intended) over this bitch ever since she came out:
Well the Spanish Film Festival will be in the Aero or Egyptian Theater next year as well. The Spanish Consulate was there too. Yes Spain is a great country to visit, a cheap way of vacation which many Europeans do... but leery Americans have a right to be "careful" is to make friends in countries you wanna visit and stay at heir homes for free. However, if you can' visit Spain we do have Alhambra here, as well as Valencia.... lol and many of the same towns. Plus if you can get your beloved to cook Spanish food for you he might. Especially since there is an awesome travel/cooking series he discovered. I know Luke would be interested in that food.
fuck all the peripheral shit in this post--it's that first picture--the one where everybody else is smiling for the camera while your pupils are lasered onto the hot boy--that just makes me laugh my ass off because it's so damn cute and because i so totally relate.
take comfort from the fact that, had he known what he coulda had, straight boy woulda blown off the unenthusiastic blowjob from the chica he had waiting for him and taken you home instead.
Very important to use high-level sophisticated social tactics to avoid or escape annoying individuals at parties. Or just get drunk enough that you don't even care anymore.
I really hope you find a way to Spain... you know... airfares are really cheap right now. There must be a way to do it for less than 5 grand. You need to find some seriously professional travelers that know how to get the best deals and hang out for practically nothing.
That pic is so funny.... you are so subtle and sly...... but the eyes don't lie.....
All I can say is, that's what credit cards are for...
I like her style but her tunes aren't exactly A1 quality, doncha think..? Which is weird considering she's supposed to have started out songwriting...
Sounds like a great co-worker party. Potlucks are great too. glad to see you are still doing and looking great.
Well the Spanish Film Festival will be in the Aero or Egyptian Theater next year as well. The Spanish Consulate was there too. Yes Spain is a great country to visit, a cheap way of vacation which many Europeans do... but leery Americans have a right to be "careful" is to make friends in countries you wanna visit and stay at heir homes for free.
However, if you can' visit Spain we do have Alhambra here, as well as Valencia.... lol and many of the same towns. Plus if you can get your beloved to cook Spanish food for you he might. Especially since there is an awesome travel/cooking series he discovered. I know Luke would be interested in that food.
fuck all the peripheral shit in this post--it's that first picture--the one where everybody else is smiling for the camera while your pupils are lasered onto the hot boy--that just makes me laugh my ass off because it's so damn cute and because i so totally relate.
take comfort from the fact that, had he known what he coulda had, straight boy woulda blown off the unenthusiastic blowjob from the chica he had waiting for him and taken you home instead.
bwahahahah, still laughing at the picture....ayi pinche WAT always on the prowl
Very important to use high-level sophisticated social tactics to avoid or escape annoying individuals at parties. Or just get drunk enough that you don't even care anymore.
ya know, before I read the post I looked at that pic and thought that guy there was cute (as are you).
Awaiting RGs comments on this one.
I really hope you find a way to Spain... you know... airfares are really cheap right now. There must be a way to do it for less than 5 grand. You need to find some seriously professional travelers that know how to get the best deals and hang out for practically nothing.
That pic is so funny.... you are so subtle and sly...... but the eyes don't lie.....
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