I had a nice weekend. How was yours? My last post got lots of attention! I love a good blockbuster blog entry! Thank YOU! Now on to some of your blogs, 'cause I'm behind again!
I was in West Hollywood on Friday night with my good bud Max Powers. It's the world-famous gayest area of Los Angeles as many of you already know. I rarely go there, and it was neat to see how much of it has been transformed! New stores, shops, and clubs within that little strip on Santa Monica Blvd. Looks very nice. You would barely even know that we're in economic tough times going there. The hot muscled attitute-ridden boys were out, barely giving mere mortals like me the time of day, but I ran into lots of old friends and some new ones as well. It was FUN! YEAH! I HAD FUN, enjoying the massive circus! And I wasn't even drunk like many of them, on cocaine, crystal meth, or ecstasy! Heck, I wasn't even on pot either! IMAGINE THAT! I have to remind myself often of how good it can all be, even when completely sober.
I know Bono gets all the attention for being the good-looking spiritual political save-the-world ambassador amazing lead singer of U2, but does anyone ever notice the drummer for that band, the very handsome Larry Mullen? I guess Larry's just content being quiet, but he is so hot, even now that he's in his late 40s. Larry Mullen Jr. Cute! Sexy I suppose. Agree? Or it is just my weird taste? A fine drummer too, to compliment the band's unique sound given to us by The Edge and that unmistakable guitar. By the way, did I mention I'm loving U2's latest album? Yes, I think I have. Larry Mullen! LARRY! So very Irish, and here's hoping I get ta see ya on stage later this year banging those drums at the Rose Bowl!
This Allison Iraheta girl on American Idol has had an extraordinary run, and is one of the last 4 remaining talents. I really hope this young sassy thing goes all the way, because not only do I think Allison is good, but also because she has roots based in El Salvador, that small Central American nation that has become a real cesspool of poverty and crime in the last few years, no thanks to a bloody civil war throughout most of the 1980's which messed up the beautiful place. Because of all the negative
press the country receives, I am so very proud of this young woman going so far here as an American-born kid like myself. This is truly special, and I am rooting for her all the way, not just because she is one of my very own, but because we need awesome people like Allison to finally give El Salvador a good name! The place is like a modern-day Sicily, run by a mafia of really scary thugs! EEK! Go Allison! Sing girl! SING TO THE TOP! Our women are not just housekeepers like Rosario on Will & Grace, although that shit was actually funny as seen in this clip! 17 year-old Allison! I mean, so young! So very young...
Check out my very very short slideshow starring a bit of me and my special puppy friend Patrick spending time yesterday Sunday afternoon:
Ummm.... Patrick looks very cute.
Glad you had a nice day with your Puppy Friend.
You? Without Mary Juanna? I'm marking this day on the calendar! I'm glad you had a nice weekend.
You are just SO handsome! If the Cali Supreme Court overturns Prop 8, want to get married? ;)
LOVE that slideshow, how cute (you both are). My weekend was fun btw! So much going on. On Friday I was at Dodger stadium and ended up staying in town at the roosevelt. should have let u know
I noticed Larry Mullen when MTV first played their videos. I have always thought he was seriously cute. I have a thing about Irishmen......
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