Saturday, September 08, 2007


Oh ye amazing YouTube, the extraordinary little repository of instantly accessible recorded footage! Some clips that bring a smile to mee face, as I hope they do for you as well:

-This late great genius director in a very witty movie trailer; irony being that he actually hated eggs and was grossed out by them:

-I love this modern Aussie band just because they remind me so much of the boys from Liverpool:

-And speaking of the boys from Liverpool, is that John taking a toke after he sings the chorus each time in this brilliant song?

-And finally, this brilliant stand-up comedian is just terrific. But you knew that already:


Rick Rockhill said...

I love you provides hours of entertainment for me!

Gary said...

WAT, I had a dream about you last night and you were looking mighty fine! It involved you, me, Junk Thief and a stranger. What's up with that?

Ladrón de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

I had no addiction issues before YouTube came along.

Was Gary taking Lunesta or something stronger last night?

Troy said...

identical endless soccer moms, get out of the fast lane and your endless stream of uncle dave's. Carlin is pure genious (and he probably doesnt have too much time walking on this earth)