Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Amazing story of that Air France plane crashing in Toronto and all of the people on board who survived! WOW! Pretty harrowing and I guarantee those people will be appreciating their second chance at life now more than ever before.

I have so much I wanna write about and say but am so tired! And it's only midweek. I think I may come back later, but if I don't...DON'T hold it against me.

By the way, my nose looks huge in the pic below. UGH!


Troy said...

Yeah, so many people take so much for granted. So I am thankful for what I have, my legs and arms and eyes and mountain climbing. So suck the marrow out of life! I have had so many close calls, I should be dead.

WAT said...

Close calls! Hot damn Bill! You must have nine lives and a God above who loves thee.

Troy said...

I read the bible everyday. My fav book is Ecclesiates. And I do believe I have a guardian angel. (Jude 13)