On Saturday, I was using one of those cheap cotton swabs in my right ear and when I pulled it out, I noticed the cotton tip was missing! I looked on the floor and in the surrounding areas and could not find the darn thing, but had this nagging feeling that maybe it had gone into my ear canal. My ear didn't feel funny or anything like that at the moment, so I went about my weekend/week until yesterday Thursday, when I started noticing that my inner right ear was feeling funny. I just knew that damn cotton swab tip was in there! I JUST KNEW! So I read up on the Internet for a remedy to my possible problem and found that if you pour a bottle cap of hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear, it fizzes and helps bubble the cotton right out of your ear! So when I got home, I did just that about two times, and after just ten minutes and a really neat funny brewing sensation in my right ear as I lay in bed, I got up to the bathroom, drained my right ear out, and there it was! Waiting right at the entrance to my ear, the cotton swab tip! WOW! Five days of living in my ear man! And what a terrific remedy! I hear hydrogen peroxide is also good for terrible earwax buildup, but should not be used often, because earwax is very important to keep the ears bacteria-free.
I'm definitely ready for my weekend. Now that I'm officially disgusted with the American government and the handling of the downfall of capitalism, I'm ready to just have fun man! Damnit, the regular working middle class taxpayer like you and I have to foot the bill to bailout all these big bosses and their savage economic mistakes! One guy on NPR said that this was not capitalism but very much akin to socialism! And all this talk about one party being guiltier or better than the other is baloney! They're all in bed together! CRIMINALS, THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM! It saddens me that I have to say these things about our country, but it frustrates me to see how in the past the citizenry mattered at least a tiny bit and we were made to believe that we could get ahead, but what's left now? Is this really the land of the free and opportunity? I very much doubt it. The ones with the power are these rich white men who are only interested in protecting corporations and their interests abroad. The fall of the dollar is just around the corner. The euro will be the world's new reserve currency, and the U.S. government will fight to its last breath to preserve its obvious crumbling empire; wars will be started with Iran and other nations in order to defend "freedom" and keep us safe from "terrorists." But it is the simple reality that the country as we knew it or believed to know is officially over. Beware a militia or guerrilla group out there that may rise up in arms and try to pull off a coup d'état man! Washi
ngton D.C. are you listening to me? BEWARE THE REBELS THAT YOU ARE CREATING! I'm just your normal average Joe who tries to live decently and by the rules, but you got some crazy ass people out there that you are pissing off who are going to rise and revolt! EEK! All this debt, bailouts, foreign intervention cannot last forever and is slowly but surely unfolding before our very eyes! Listen to Ron Paul! The only one who is speaking the truth, and the only candidate I believe in at this point, even if his chances of winning are nill.
I end this post and this week with one last look at Madonna and her whorish years. This comes from 1994 I believe? Yes, a very catchy soulful tune with some pretty awesome leather gear:
A great weekend to you, and please do say hello.
I tried that peroxide deal a few years back when I heard about it. In fact, I had the whole family trying it in the living room one Sunday afternoon while we sat around with nothing else to do. Bored and weirdos, I think we are.
Well as it stands the USA is 9 Trillion Dollars in Debt. Wow, not to mention a large chunk of that is the 12 Billion a month it costs since the invasion of of Iraq for the "Military Exercise to Keep Bush in the White House" the past 7years.
As americans it is said, we all saw the warning signs. As the old sailing goes when the rats begin to abandon ship the boat your on is going down. Bush's cabinet and court were exiting left and right a few years back, but no one questioned. We saw FIMA miss manage a crisis. Almost all americans received close to $1200 in bribes from Bush (tax stimulus check). Pretty soon the dollar is gonna be equal the Peso (lol the mexicans just might run back to mexico to clean but seriously...cough).
Yes Ron Paul has been speaking the truth for a long time, but as I said before the majority of US citizen are sheep. The only make noise, but follow the herd. They have no mind of their own and have been conditioned not to "shake things up". The CSA really needs to come forth as they promised to rescue us from this disaster, to rise up and save us.
Anyone know of any Canadian men we can marry? Canada is begining to look better and better.
Well wish you luck with your ear. Just becareful.
The solution's simple. Have Obama get it out. He's genetically predisposed to pick cotton.
That is pretty fucking cool. I bet that felt GREAT, that little swolen,fuzzy, bubbling, tip, just laying on the door step of your ear. Nice.
wow. i now know lots of things about ears that i did not know before. i feel extremely smart, now that i can tell people what to do when they have q-tip issues!
i hope that your weekend was fun.
And the Republicans love a laissez-faire economy so this is what happens. The q-tip story seems to be an metaphor of this whole financial mess.
The power of the Euro over the dollar is not some out there scenario. It's been the reality of the past few years. Though now the U.S. is putting it at risk.
I like some of the concepts of Ron Paul in theory, and I would say he's honest. But the thought of him as President and the dismantling of the basic government infrastructure is spooky.
going to have to try having a peroxide party one of these days...they say you shouldn't put anything smaller than an elbow into the ear canal, but darn I too am hooked on q-tips - never had the head come off.
it's taken you this long to get 'officially disgusted with the american government'!! come on....
Dennis had to take ear drops recently because Eddy had ear mites when he was brand new. Dennis's doctor said kittens get ear mites from their feral moms, while nursing the mites crawl into the kitten ears from the moms. Dennis had a feral mom too, so he had ear mites when he was a baby.
I read the first part of this post the other day and can not stop thinking about cotton in the ear and fizzing it out. Isn't that odd?
I just read the second part of this post now and it brought back thoughts of the French Revolution. The crowd is indeed getting restless and it's sad to think that the America I had cherished no longer exists. I think I'll go back to thinking about cotton.
people who take baths often and submerge their heads often have cleany- clean ears
Recommended reading material, Ron Paul "Revolution; A Manifesto"
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