Hey, is the money in my bank account going to be safe?! Washington Mutual isn't going to come tumbling down now is it? EEK! I wholeheartedly believe in being an optimistic person, but the nerve of some people to say that our economy isn't in dire straits is ridiculous! ARGH! WE THE TAXPAYER are ultimately the ones paying for all this mess! And the U.S. debt now stands at $9 trillion. Yes, TRILLION! I tells ya, how the mighty have fallen and continue to fall. I'm afraid not even Obama will be able to repair this. Greed has brought us to the state we're in, and now we are paying dearly. A financial advisor/expert on radio said that the situation was going to get worse, before it got better. Time to get drunk and join an orgy or two. LOL! Howard Stern's henchmen were up to their silly hysterical antics, and were making light of the current economic crisis, live on CNN! I dare you to watch this clip and not laugh yer head off.
Sir Paul McCartney will be playing a historic first-ever concert in Israel next week. The terrorists didn't take long to threaten his life; already they have said that suicide bombers will be sent in to disrupt the show and kill Paul! UGH! Well, Sir Paul is not going to bow down or cower to these ridiculous threats, and will go ahead with his show anyway. I say, YOU GO PAUL! You give those Jews the concert they have been waiting for! LOL! How sick is the world though, that a musician/songwriter would come under this type of danger? A terrorist attack on Paul McCartney would be enough to unleash World War III! I'm serious! Britain and the U.S. would immediately send nukes raining down on the Middle East; the man who gave the world "Hey Jude" and "Let It Be" would not die in vain I tells ya! At least, I hope he wouldn't.
Many congratulations to George Takei (of Star Trek and The Howard Stern Show fame) for his gay marriage to his life partner Brad. Go to this link, and find the usual fag-hating comments below the main article. AHAHAHHAH!
And this disturbing story out of Russia; Satanists and their hideous crimes!
I'll end this post with yet another look back at SLUT Madonna, 1989-1994. This pair of videos caused so much controversy in the early '90s. Banned by MTV, or would only play after hours. They're still kind of racy even by today's standards!
Yes congrats to Mr. And Mr. Takei. I hope they have a fruitful and long marriage.
The whole financial crisis is overwhelming. I wish I understood it better, but then I'd probably be freaking out.
Both of these tunes are in my all time career top ten. yummy.
Oh its SUCH a mess Wat, scary for sure!
Take your money out of Washington Mutual. Stick it in your mattress. Its safer there.
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